Welcome to The Tatting Connection!
Tatting has been called a lost art by many people, but there are more people who tat than you realize! Just check out the Links page for links to other sites for suppliers, tatters and other tatting things. Please send me an e-mail if you have links you would like to add. (Note: links are vetted for content, purpose and appropriateness and are posted with approval from the link webmaster.)
Of all the crafts I do, tatting is my favorite because it is so unique and very portable. I don’t need to carry a lot of yarn, needles, hooks, charts, instruction books, hoops, frames, floss, etc. All I need is my ball of yarn, shuttle and scissors (and sometimes the pattern sheet!). It fits nicely in my purse or even in my pocket.
Tatting can be hard to learn, especially from a book, but there’s really only one stitch to learn – the double stitch. There are individual techniques: rings, chains, josephines (one half of the stitch), joining methods, and split rings plus a few other very specialized techniques. There are no books full of separate types of stitches for tatting – no single, double, treble, popcorn, shell, afghan etc stitches like in crochet! So once you learn the knot, you can do practically everything there is to do in tatting!
So welcome to my site, and let’s get Knotty!